Our key stage three curriculum aims to promote learning, personal growth, and development. The learning opportunities provided both in and outside of the classroom help students to develop as individuals, understand themselves better, develop their personal capabilities and acquire the skills necessary for making realistic decisions in the future.
We at Smallbrook believe that all students are individuals who learn differently. Our vision is to provide all our students with an rich and vibrant curriculum which includes a variety of core and vocational based subjects that develops essential knowledge, skills and understanding which will be the building blocks for adulthood and working life.
Subjects in detail:
Key stage Three English Language and Literacy – Functional Skills English
Language and Literacy is a compulsory area of learning at Key Stage 3. English lessons encourage pupils to continue to develop their skills in talking and listening, reading, and writing.
This area of learning helps pupils to develop effective communication skills. These enable students to express themselves clearly and appropriately, and to understand the messages of others in different contexts. Students have opportunities to appreciate and use language for a range of functional and creative purposes. They engage with peers, poetry, prose, drama, non-fiction, media, and multimedia to become critical, creative and effective communicators.
Our teachers help students to understand the nature of communication in different contexts. This will enable them to create and analyse messages in print and digital forms throughout their lives.
Functional Skills English is designed to prepare our students for work, study, and life. Students who complete this qualification will demonstrate the ability to read, write, speak, listen, and communicate in English.
Functional Skills are more suited to students who can struggle with preparing and revising for examinations. Topics are based around everyday situations that are relatable, making assessments easier to understand.
Functional skills English is an alternative to GCSE. Functional level 1-2 is equivalent to GCSE, therefore are accepted by employers, colleges, and Universities.
The course is designed to be interesting and engaging for students but also provides a solid foundation for those continuing with further study or employment. Assessments for the course are clear and straightforward, question papers are clear and accessible for all students of all abilities.
Key skills developed
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills developed throughout key stage three:
- Develop your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
- Analytical reading.
- Effective writing.
- Critical and synthetic thinking.
- Imaginative problem-solving.
- Information literacy and research skills
Key stage Three Science
Smallbrook students foster their natural curiosity for science through an exciting, inclusive and inspiring curriculum. Through enquiry and a rich, stimulating environment, students are given opportunities to explore and question in order to develop a deeper understanding of the world around them.
Statement of Intent
1. To promote and develop students enjoyment and enthusiasm for science through exciting, practical, first-hand learning and opportunities to experiment, explore and investigate.
2. To help students to become scientists by developing their problem solving and reasoning skills so that they can apply their scientific thinking across the curriculum.
3. To ensure that from the EYFS onwards, students are confident in their understanding and application of their basic skills in science and that they build upon their prior learning at every stage.
6. To encourage our students to use their increasing knowledge, skills and understanding of science to investigate, ask questions and solve challenging problems.
7. To develop students confidence and skill in scientific methods as they explore the areas of science.
8. To bring science to life and make it real so that all students understand the importance of science in the world and in their everyday lives.
9. To teach students to work with proper regard for their own safety and that of others, using safety equipment where necessary.
Key stage Three Maths
We believe that mathematics is a tool for life. It is an essential life skill that is used throughout our daily lives. We want to ensure that every student leaves school with a secure knowledge of numeracy so that they have the best chance of succeeding in the modern world. Throughout our school community, we strive to give students opportunities to solve problems and reason mathematically in real-life contexts.
We aim to ensure that all Students:
Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that students have conceptual understanding and are able to recall and apply their knowledge accurately to problems
Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
Key stage Three History
The key stage three History curriculum allows our students to compare and contrast, to examine how and why things have changed, to learn about historical characters and expand their research skills. We teach our students to be open minded and enquiring thinkers who understand cause and effect. We want them to understand how people have lived in the past and compare this to modern life. We encourage first hand experiences through handling real artefacts and wherever possible arranging enrichment visits to relevant sites of historical interest in the region or bringing in specialists for in-school workshops.
At Smallbrook we have designed our History curriculum with the intent that our students will:
- Become increasingly critical and analytical thinkers
- Possess a secure understanding of the chronology of important periods of History
- To discover links and connections to the History they learn and the wider community and locality
- Further their knowledge and explanations of change and continuity over time
- Differentiate between source types and explain how interpretations in History may differ
- Draw on similarities and differences within given time frames and across previously taught History
- Enquire into Historical themed questions and form their own opinions and interpretation of the past
Key stage Three PSHE & Citzenship Studies
PSHE lessons throughout key stage three are carefully planned as a developmental programme of learning through which students acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. We have developed the PSHE curriculum in consultation with parents/carers, students and staff, considering the individual age, needs and feelings of students.
As part of a whole-school approach, PSHE education develops the qualities and attributes students need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. PSHE education prepares students to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and enriched lives.
Lessons encourage our students to be creative and supports them in making effective transitions, positive learning and possible career and life choices. PSHE lessons provide opportunities for our students to reflect on their own values and attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future.
The PSHE curriculum contributes to personal development by helping our students to build their confidence, resilience, and self-esteem, and to identify and manage risk, make informed choices, and understand what influences their decisions. It enables them to recognise, accept and shape their identities, to understand and accommodate difference and change, to manage emotions and to communicate constructively in a variety of settings.
Developing an understanding of themselves, empathy, and the ability to work with others will help our students to form and maintain good relationships, develop the essential skills for future employability and better enjoy and manage their lives.
Our ICT curriculum in KS3 is innovative and fun, features digital resources and opportunities for our students to build practical, thinking, and digital etiquette skills. It is broken down into three main areas:
- Information Technology
- Digital Literacy
- Computer Science.
Throughout year 7 students will develop their knowledge and understanding in:
- E-Safety and media: This will help students to become responsible, competent, confident, and creative users of information and communication technology.
- Computer basics: Students will learn how to apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms, and data representation.
- Computer crime and cyber safety: Through this topic students will evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.
- Scratch: Students learn how to analyse problems in computational terms and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs to solve such problems.
Throughout year 8 students will develop their knowledge and understanding in:
- Graphics and photoshop: By designing and evaluating computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of real-world problems and physical systems. Python coding which means they will be able to create, re-use, revise and re-purpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design, and usability.
- Web Development: Throughout this unit students will be using two or more programming languages, at least one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems. Making apps to create, re-use, revise and re-purpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design, and usability.
- Blender: Throughout this unit students will learn how to create 3D animations that can move and look realistic using realism technology.
Throughout Year 9 students will develop their knowledge and understanding in:
- E-Sports Level 1 BTEC: This course enables our students to build strengths in problem solving, teamwork and communication, as well as STEAM skills. Students get to explore video and sound editing, graphic design, broadcasting, and event planning. They will have the opportunity to play games as a team and independently. They will create their own e-sports brand and work on the image portrayal throughout the Level 1 qualification.
BTEC Introductory Certificate in Sport
BTEC Sport Level 1-2 offers pupils an opportunity to work in both a theory and practical based environment. The award looks to educate you on a variety of aspects of a range of sports.
Pupils will have opportunities to develop their fitness through a practical six-week training program, whilst applying many of the theory-based learning such as fitness components, principles of training and sports testing types. The course also allows you to become confident in reviewing your own and others’ performance as part of unit 2. There are a range of skills that you will be learning so it is essential that you attend two sessions in order to gain your qualification.
Key skills developed
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills developed throughout key stage three:
- Knowledge of the Anatomy & Physiology
- Understanding Practical sports performance
- Planning skills: Running a sport event.
- Leadership Skills: Leading sports activities, Fitness for sport and exercise.
- Employability skills. You will have the opportunity to gain valuable work experience as part of the curriculum.
Where this subject can take you
This BTEC award would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in the sport industry. After completion of this course you could go on to study BTEC Sport at level 2 here at Smallbrook or at a College. You could also study A level Sport and even T levels in Health or Science if in a college setting.
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Health officer, Personal Trainer, Events Management, Physiotherapy, Outdoor Activity Coordinator, Coaching and Teaching.
University options include degrees and degree apprenticeships in Psychology, Sports Management, Sports Science and Teaching.
Pearson BTEC Level 1/ Level 2 First Award in Art and Design
In your art and design option sessions you will explore artists and designers who turned simple ideas into unique sculptures, paintings, and mixed media pieces. Each of you will be encouraged to explore materials and techniques, ask questions, even make mistakes while learning about and developing your own creative interests and skills.
If you choose to work towards GCSE Art and design, you will be supported to produce a portfolio of research and art pieces which reflects two different topics, picked by you and your teacher.
“Art is anything you can get away with” said Pop artist Andy Warhol, so use these sessions to make your own decisions, be independent, get messy if you want. Be an artist!
Key skills developed
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills developed throughout key stage three:
- Well-rounded drawing and sketching skills as well as an introduction to sculpture and selected media.
- Confidence to create.
- Knowledge of the theory, the history, and the practice of visual arts
- Perseverance
- Problem Solving
- Independent Creativity
- Being adaptable
- Patience
Where this subject can take you
This subject would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in the Art and Design industry. After completion of this course you could go on to study Art and Design to a higher level or grade, either here at Smallbrook or at a College. If at college, you could also study A level Art or T levels in Digital production and Illustration.
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Journalism, Publishing, Advertising and Media and Animation.
University options include degrees and degree apprenticeships in Fine Art, Graphic Design, Specialist Hair and Make up, Prop and Set Design and Advertising.
MUSIC: Level 1 BTEC Introductory in performing arts
In music arts award we will create, discover, and talk about all things musical! You will have the opportunity to develop your performing and composing skills as well as continuing to develop your listening and appraising skills. Not only will you build on your own skills, but you will examine the work of other musicians. There will be opportunities to attend musical and arts performances at local venues or within school.
You will have the opportunity to plan and lead sessions helping other pupils within school to improve their musical skills. This is a flexible course where you can try out different instruments and discover styles of music you may not have heard before. It doesn’t matter what kind of music you like to listen to; we’ll work together to learn about music in a fun way for everyone!
Key skills developed
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills developed throughout key stage three:
- The careers linked with the music industry.
- Time Management
- Motor skills
- Perseverance
- Problem Solving
- Independent Creativity
- Being adaptable
- Patience
- Communication and Collaboration
- Social interaction
Where this subject can take you
This subject would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in the Music industry. After completion of this course you could go on to study BTEC Music at level 2 either here at Smallbrook or at a College. If at college you could also study A level in Music and ARTS Award Gold (level 3).
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Events Management, Music Technician, Advertising and Media and Production.
University options include degrees and degree apprenticeships in Musical Theatre, Musical Journalism, Music Production, Music Business and Advertising.
FOOD: city and guilds Level 1 introduction to culinary skills
If you have an interest in cooking with a wish to improve your cooking skills at home, or an idea that cooking will be a part of your future career, this is the course for you.
If you have a real passion for catering and see this sector as your future, then City and Guilds Level1 in Culinary Skills will be the obvious choice to pursue your dreams. This course equips students with the fundamental knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to feed themselves and others better. Students develop practical cookery skills and techniques as they explore the underlying principles of food science, nutrition, food traditions and food safety within the catering industry.
Key skills developed:
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills developed throughout key stage three:
- General practical skills: Professional knife skills, Appropriate use of cookers, Correct use of all cooking equipment, develop a variety of cooking methods., Preparation of food, Sauce making, Tenderising and marinating, Pastry and dough skills, Setting mixtures.
- Problem Solving – By finding and using various strategies to find a solution to a challenge.
- Determination – By setting clear, realistic goals and creating routes to achieve them.
- Other skills improved include Listening, Analysis and Timekeeping.
Where this subject can take you
These subjects would be great for any individual wishing to pursue a career in the Food and Hospitality industry. After completion of the GCSE course you could go on to study City and Guild level 1 Professional cookery here at Smallbrook or at a College.
If you successfully gain the desired GCSE qualification in food preparation and nutrition you could go on to study A level in Nutrition or Food Science and T-levels in Health Studies at college.
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Dietician, Food and Drink Engineer, Chef and Hospitality Leadership.
University options include degrees and degree apprenticeships in Food Science, Food Technology, Nutrition and Dietic.
Duke of Edinburgh Awards
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a qualification which incorporates Physical Activity, Voluntary Work and Skill development into one course to provide students with a course which is very different to others. Whereas other subjects focus on the knowledge of the pupils, this course focuses on the individual themselves and is student led.
Students decide the voluntary work they would like to complete, the skills they would like to develop and the Physical activities they would like to complete throughout the year. Some of these activities include, Rock Climbing, Sailing, Canoeing, Swimming, Archery and so much more! This subject is assessed throughout the year through completing the three different sections and then by completing an expedition at the end of the year in which students will be camping off site with staff support.
Key skills developed
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills such as Teamwork, Leadership and Determination.
- Teamwork By working cooperatively with others to achieve a shared goal.
- Leadership By supporting, encouraging, and developing others to achieve their goals and leading a group or team.
- Determination and perseverance: By setting clear, realistic goals and creating routes to achieve them.
- Other skills improved include Problem Solving, Listening and communication, self-awareness.
Where this subject can take you
This subject would be great for any individual wishing to learn practically and enjoy being active. After completion of this course you could go on to study Duke of Edinburgh to a higher level, either here at Smallbrook or at a College.
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include…Anything! Duke of Edinburgh is a great supporting subject for any career path.
University options include…Again it’s anything! As Duke of Edinburgh can include any Work experience or any development of skill.
GEOGRAPHY: OCR Functional Skills, IGCSE Geography
This exciting course is based on a balanced framework of physical and human geography. It allows students to investigate the link between the two themes, and approach and examine the battles between the human and natural worlds.
Students will be able to apply a variety of geographical skills in familiar and novel contexts.
The course will embed and contextualise the skills in the content of Living in the UK Today (01) and The World Around Us (02). Geography is recognised as a subject which develops many key skills. It will be of benefit to students when applying to college and university as it shows that they have a good understanding of the world around them and possess a range of valuable skills. Geography is often considered as the link between the sciences and humanities and so works well for those following either.
Key skills developed:
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills developed throughout key stage three:
- written and oral communications skills, including report writing and data presentation.
- The ability to understand abstract concepts and articulate these to a range of audiences.
- Planning and problem-solving skills.
- Creative thinking and the ability to recognise the moral and ethical issues involved in debates.
Where this subject can take you
This subject would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in History or Geography. After completion of this course you could go on to study A level Geography, Politics or Law at a college
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Archaeology, Journalism, Solicitor, Library and Archive services.
University options include degrees and degree apprenticeships in Geography, Environmental studies, Geology or Archaeology.
Religious Education: OCR Functional Skills, IGCSE History
The world we live in is changing rapidly. Technology and transport advances have allowed humans to move all over the globe, creating a rich diversity of beliefs and behaviours, of different ways to make sense of the world around us and live as ethical human beings. Religious studies encourage students to look at the world around them and to make sense of how people think and act, through the development of key skills such as empathy, critical thinking, and social analysis.
A great deal of religious studies content is taught through discussion and exploration of your views in comparison to those of others – be prepared to talk, and sometimes to argue! Religious studies are an academic subject, and as such involve a good degree of writing. Students are expected to produce extended written answers as exam practice.
Key skills developed
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills developed throughout key stage three:
- Research skills
- Selection and analysis skills
- Interpretation
- Reflection
- Empathy, discernment, and the ability to evaluate.
- Expression and communication
Where this subject can take you
This subject would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in Religious Studies. After completion of this course you could go on to study A level in Religious Studies, Sociology or Philosophy at A level or T-levels in Education Studies at a college.
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Social Care, Community Development, Journalism and Pastoral Care.
At University options include degrees and degree apprenticeships in Theology, Pastoral Care, Chaplaincy and Philosophy.
BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 in Construction and the Built Environment
This course is very hands-on and vocational in nature, which makes it perfect for those that want to gain qualifications in the world of construction. With this course you’ll find that there is the perfect mix of project-based work and written theory. The course is suitable for anyone wishing to pursue a professional role in the construction industry, such as Architect, site manager or trade related occupation.
There are a range of skills that you will be learning so it is essential that you attend two sessions in order to gain your qualification. The combination of Arts, Mathematics and Science make this subject a good link between academic subjects and vocational ones and gives a solid base for a career in the creative industries. Students will develop a range of three dimensional skills including model making, constructing, assembling, manufacturing and some computer based design.
Key skills developed:
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills developed throughout key stage three:
- Construction Drawing Techniques
- Brickwork and Blockwork Principles and Technique
- Carpentry and Joinery Principles and Techniques
- Develop personal and work-related skills which will help prepare you for full-time work after you have completed your training in college.
Where this subject can take you
This subject would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in the Construction industry.
After completion of this course you could go on to study BTEC Construction or Engineering at level 2 or 3, either here at Smallbrook or at a College. You could also study A level in Product Design and several T-levels in Design, Construction and Building Services.
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Bricklaying, Plumbing, Electrical Engineering, Tiling etc.
University options include degrees and degree apprenticeships in Engineering, Product Design, Survey and Architecture.
YMCA Level 1 Award in Fitness and Physical Activity
This course is perfect for those who enjoy physical education or those who wish to pursue a career in the leisure industry. This course will cover the basic structure and function of the human body in relation to exercise and fitness. using a personal exercise program utilising the principles of fitness (frequency, intensity, time, type, and adherence an introduction to the role of the fitness instructor.
You will be assessed through a variety of activities which will include three tests: a body composition test, a movement test, and a work capacity test. These three tests give you all the information you need to create an effective and personalised exercise program.
Key skills developed
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills developed throughout key stage three:
- Knowledge of the Anatomy & Physiology
- Understanding Practical sports performance
- Planning skills: Running a sport event.
- Leadership Skills: Leading sports activities, Fitness for sport and exercise.
- Employability skills. You will have the opportunity to gain valuable work experience as part of the curriculum.
Where this subject can take you
This level 1 award would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in the sport or fitness industry. After completion of this course you could go on to study the level 2, either here at Smallbrook or at a College. You could also study A level Sport or even T levels in Health or Science in a college setting.
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Health officer, Personal Trainer, Events Management, Physiotherapy, Outdoor Activity Coordinator, Coaching and Teaching.
University options include degrees and degree apprenticeships in Psychology, Sports Management, Sports Science and Teaching.
LAND BASED STUDIES: BTEC Level 1 Introductory in Land-based Studies
Land Based Studies provides pupils with an insight into a possible career in the land-based industry where you will gain hands-on practical skills, experience, and knowledge of a variety of land-based disciplines, designed to prepare you for employment.
The Level 1 in Animal Care is a practical, full-time, one-year study program, which will give you a general introduction to working in the land-based industry, as well as the care of a range of large and small animals. You will learn how to feed, clean, move and exercise animals on our purpose-built Animal Care Unit.
Your practical skills will be assessed as they develop throughout the course and your tutors will watch what you do, ask you questions and set written work to make sure that your knowledge is growing as well as your practical skills. You will also be expected to develop a collection of coursework and assessment sheets, known as a portfolio.
Key skills improved:
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills developed throughout key stage three:
- Animal Health and safety
- Caring for animals: cleaning routines
- Basic animal anatomy
- The ability to work well with others.
- Growing plants
- Soil preparation for planting
- Skills using workshop tools in a land-based setting.
Where this subject can take you
This subject would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in anything animal based or agricultural. After completion of this course you could go on to study the level 2 qualification either here at Smallbrook or at a College.
An Award, Certificate or Diploma in Land-based Studies could help you to get a job within a supportive environment as a:
• Farm Worker (crops)
• Farm Worker (livestock)
• Assistant florist
• Gardener
• Horse Groom
• Kennel Worker
• Pet Shop Assistant.
ABC AWARD MOTOR VEHICLE: Certificate and Diploma in Motor Vehicle Studies
The level 1 Motor Vehicle program aims to establish the skills and knowledge expected of a person starting in the industry as a mechanic.
Motor Vehicle lessons have a very practical take on learning, where most of your time will be taken up understanding different parts of a vehicle. Therefore, this means getting your hands dirty.
The course provides an overview of potential occupations and job roles within the motor vehicle sector. The overall aim is to provide both experience and knowledge on which to base future career and associated course decisions, and to enhance employment prospects.
Key skills improved:
Throughout the study of this subject, you will be building upon key skills developed throughout key stage three:
- The ability to use, repair and maintain machines and tools.
- To be thorough and pay attention to detail.
- Problem-solving skills.
- The ability to work well with your hands.
- Customer service skills.
- The ability to work well with others.
- Knowledge of engineering science and technology
Where this subject can take you…
This subject would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in the Motor Vehicle industry. After completion of this course you could go on to study the level 2 qualification either here at Smallbrook or at a College. You could also several consider T-levels in Design, Construction and Engineering in a college setting.
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, etc.
University options include degrees and degree apprenticeships in Engineering and Product Design.
HAIR AND BEAUTY: BTEC Level 1 Introductory in Hair and beauty
The BTEC level 1 Introductory in hair and beauty is a qualification that has been specifically designed to develop your practical skills in both hair and beauty enabling you to perform your own services as well as assist others. Learners have the chance to gain experience in all areas of hairdressing and beauty treatments including manicures, pedicures, lamination, eyelash tints and extensions and nail art.
This is a skills-based qualification designed to help learners develop the personal and social skills needed to help them to progress into independent living, future employment, or further vocational study. All units are 100% assessed.
Key skills developed:
Throughout this course you will learn new skills and develop current skills and understanding of the following:
- Understanding of Health and Safety
- Organisational skills
- Customer Care
- Progression Opportunities
- How to conduct professional Consultations
- Ability to complete Facials and Manicures
- Develop skills needed for Nail art.
- Make- up techniques.
- Creating a themed make-up and Hair Styling piece
Where this subject can take you
This subject would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in the Hair and Beauty industry. After completion of this course you could go on to study BTEC Hair and Beauty or Barbering at level 2 or 3, either here at Smallbrook or at a College. You could also consider several T-levels in Hairdressing, Costume and make up design in a college setting.
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Hairdressing, Barbering, Make up, etc.
University options include degrees and degree apprenticeships in Theatre Make up and Costume Design.
City and Guild Employability
This qualification is for anyone who wants to live a more independent life, progress in education and / or their employment prospects; get into a job, develop on the job, or move onto the next job, as they progress along the career ladder.
The qualifications support individuals in learning and developing the key skills, qualities and attitudes which are wanted by all employers. The qualification has been designed in collaboration with a range of experts from various industry sectors, training providers and employment and recruitment professionals to ensure the content matches what is needed and valued by today’s employment market, also meeting the needs for study programs and traineeships.
Employability Skills qualifications are designed to support an individual successfully gaining a job, progressing in a chosen field, preparing the individual for further study, and supporting the development of techniques required for successful independent living.
Key skills developed:
Throughout this course you will learn new skills and develop current skills and understanding of the following:
- Communication
- Creativity
- Initiative
- Leadership
- Planning
- Self-Management.
- Teamwork
Where this subject can take you
This subject supports all individuals pursue a potential career or helps prepare them for further study. After completion of this course you could go on to study to a higher level, either here at Smallbrook or at a College.
BTEC Information and Creative Technology
Technological advances are being made each day with companies pouring billions into the use and development of information and communication technology. We are using our smart phones, tablets, televisions and now even our cars to access more than we ever could. Preparing our students for the world ahead of them as opposed to the world we live in will give them the best chance of success in the future, particularly a world in which computing, and technology are so important.
This course is made up of both coursework and examination elements which are split over both years of KS4. This means students will need to pass the examination to complete the course.
Coursework will be completed throughout each unit. Mandatory units include ‘The Online World’ and ‘A Digital Portfolio’. Optional units are centred around Graphics, Animation, Audio and Video, as well as Website and Database development.
Key skills developed:
Throughout this course you will learn new skills and develop current skills and understanding of the following:
- Develop the knowledge of technology and how it works as practical skills such as coding.
- Develop the ability to converse with people through various modern technologies, e. g. sending an email and making a video call.
- Confidence in using the internet, using a tablet or mobile phone.
Where this subject can take you
This subject would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in the ICT industry. After completion of this course you could go on to study BTEC ICT at level 2 or 3, either here at Smallbrook or at a College.
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Support Technician, Network Technician or in Digital Communications.
University options include degrees and degree apprenticeships in software design, business and computing.
BTEC ESports
Esports is the fastest-growing sports industry: worth $1.1 billion in 2019 and to grow to $6 billion in 2026. Throughout the course you’ll learn a range of subjects including Esports coaching, events management, Livestream broadcasting, business applications and many more.
The teacher leading the subject is a specialist in their field and has experience in managing Esports events. The course is endorsed by the British Esports Association, meaning it is recognised by employers and supports entry into a range of roles.
Your work will be continually assessed throughout the course. This is based on assignments and projects that you will be asked to complete within a set deadline.
Key skills improved:
Throughout this course you will learn new skills and develop current skills and understanding of the following:
- Promotes leadership skills and teamwork.
- Develops social and communication skills.
- Develops problem solving, decision-making and multitasking abilities.
- Improves cyber, digital, and other transferable skills.
- Develops friendships and communities.
- Develop strategic knowledge in game theory.
Where this subject can take you
This subject would be great for any individuals wishing to pursue a career in the gaming or information technology world. After completion of this course you could go on to study BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Esports or continue into other fields within information technology, business or creative media.
Potential Apprenticeships and career paths include Games QA Tester, Games Designer/Programmer, Business Management.
University options include degrees in Games Design, Computing, Computer Games Technology, Games Programming and many more.
Functional Skills ICT
Key skills improved:
Throughout this course you will learn new skills and develop current skills and understanding of the following:
- Promotes leadership skills and teamwork.
- Develops problem solving, decision-making and multitasking abilities.
- Improves cyber, digital, and other transferable skills.
- Organisation and working to deadlines.
- Ability to learn and adapt.
- Initiative and problem solving.
- Sector-specific skills and knowledge
Where this subject can take you
After completion of this course you could go on to study BTEC Level 2-3 in Vocational studies either here at Smallbrook or a college or continue into other fields within information technology, business or creative media.
University options include degrees in Games Design, Computing, Computer Games Technology, Games Programming and many more.
BTEC Digital Media Studies
The BTEC Level 1 Introductory Award, Certificate and Diploma in Digital Media are designed around practical skills and tasks that place an emphasis on learners demonstrating what they can do rather than what they know in theory.
The qualifications give learners the opportunity to acquire and develop generic, transferable, and sector-specific skills to complete tasks and demonstrate a level of achievement that enables them to progress to further learning. The Award offers a taster of the digital media sector and could be studied alongside other subjects. The Certificate offers an introduction to the digital media sector and could be studied alongside other subjects within a study program digital media sector. Topics that you will cover may include creating a storyboard, designing an interactive presentation, producing an advert, creating an animation and shooting a short film.
Key skills improved:
Throughout this course you will learn new skills and develop current skills and understanding of the following:
- Develop skills in web page design,
- Understand the skills needed to design images, ads, audio/video, and animations.
- Learn the emerging web technologies.
- Learn key skills in film making and film editing.
Where this subject can take you
After completion of this course you could go on to study BTEC Level 2-3 in Digital Media either here at Smallbrook or at college or continue into other fields within the creative media industry.
University options include degrees in film making, radio production, graphic design, photography and animation.