Staff and students well-being is paramount here at Smallbrook, as well-being has been defined as the combination of feeling good and functioning well. This is achieved by the experience of positive emotions such as happiness and contentment, as well as the development of one’s potential, having some control over one’s life, having a sense of purpose, and experiencing positive relationships.
Positive wellbeing can be promoted through a variety of activities or steps throughout the school day. These could include connecting with people, building positive relationships, being physically active, learning new skills, focusing on mindfulness and thinking and considering others.
Good mental health and wellbeing helps students:
- Develop
- Attend school
- Engage in learning
- Fulfil their potential
Schools and colleges contribute to wellbeing by providing:
- A safe, calm and supportive learning environment
- Early targeted support for students who may need help
Staff wellbeing is important as it can:
Improve performance and job satisfaction
Help to reduce absence (both short and long term)
Increase productivity and promote staff engagement.
Debbie, our Wellbeing lead will plan and lead a variety of activities throughout the academic year, for both staff and students to promote and foster positive wellbeing.